
30 Calorie Egg Drop Soup
3 Egg Whites
3 chicken boulion cubes
5 cups water

Put egg whites into cup, beat lightly with fork. Boil water and boulion for 5
minutes covered, then turn down heat until broth is standing (not frothing or
bubbling). Add egg whites then quickly start stirring with fork. Keep stirring
for 2-3 mins or until the eggs become clearly defined noodles. For a more
concentrated noodle to broth ratio, decrease broth to 3 cups and 2 cubes.
Don't stir with a whisk, the egg tends to wrap itself around the tines, and it's
a bitch and a half to clean.

Technically the serving size is 2.5 cups, but at 60 calories per panfull, you
may decide to eat a lot more of it.  


0 Calorie Sugar Glaze
1 1/2 cups SPLENDA® Granular
1/4 cup Cornstarch
5-6 tsp. Water

Place SPLENDA® and cornstarch in blender jar. Cover and blend until SPLENDA® is a
very fine powder. Pour into a small bowl. Add water and stir well. This recipe makes a thick
glaze. Add more water for a thinner glaze. To flavor the glaze add any of the following;
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract, 1 drop maple flavor, 1 tsp. lemon zest 
Under 40 Calorie Hot Cocoa
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk (16 cals)
1/2 cup water (0 calories)
2 tbs unsweetend cocoa powder(20 cals)
10 0 calorie artificial sweetener packets (0 cals)
dash of cinnamon. (1-2 cals)

Combine water and almond milk until sizzley.
Add in cocoa powder, sweetener, and cinnamon.
Whisk and wait until it's a little foamy on top.

70 Calorie Mini Pizza
1 white chedder rice cake- 45 calories
2 tbsp pizza sauce- 25 calories
Put the sauce in a bowl and microwave it for 30 seconds. DO NOT MICROWAVE RICE CAKE. Spread on rice cake as a delicous snack! Great for ABC! Total: 70 calories